Thursday, November 4, 2010

Having All That You Need- Joel Osteen

Having All That

You Need


“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”

(2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

We serve a God of abundance! He is more than enough! No matter what is on your “plate” of life, God wants to pour out His abundant grace upon you. One of the meanings of grace is God’s good will, loving kindness and favor. His grace keeps us, strengthens us and causes us to increase. In fact, He’s already extending that grace to you right now; all you have to do is open your heart and humbly receive it by faith.

Humility is an important key to receiving God’s grace. If we are seeking our own way, it blocks Him from working in our lives. But when we are humble, then He will empower us by His grace. Notice in this verse that by His grace you will have everything that you need at all times...that’s living in abundance! And when you are living in abundance, you are equipped to be a blessing to those around you. Today, seek His ways first and allow Him to empower you by His grace.


Father in heaven, today I humbly come before You. I surrender my heart, will, mind and emotions to You. I ask that You pour out Your grace on me today and equip me for every good work. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Saturday, September 11, 2010

How time flies and drags at the same time.

Dear Blog,

I guess I am in a sort of a funk. Most of it has to do with the fact I NEED to lose some weight and right now I have no motivation at all. My motivation should be the fact I am now pre diabetic, I have high blood pressure and my cholesterol is close to 300 that combined with the fact I do have a heart condition should be blaring sirens at me should be enough to make me do something.

Its hard, I am lazy, I need to give this one over to the Lord and ask him for help after all Luke 11:9 says ask and you shall receive. Well I am asking. Besides that I need to learn some self control too. I have already done away with coke. I guess my next hurdle would be to drink more water to feel full longer. Then I need to give up my candy, I love my candy but I don't need it. Then the mindless snacking that I do when I am bored. Now for the truth I need to get up off my lazy bumper and go for a walk or something besides wasting time on the computer. I need to find something fun for me and the little ones to do. I am thinking there is a great small park close to the house I think would be great to go to not just for the kids but for me.

God Bless

Friday, August 20, 2010

We found a HOME church.

Dear Blog,
I had been praying for the Lord to help us find the right church for us with this new move and all. We did attend a church close by. It was nice, small, great with the kids, but it left me "HUNGRY", it was not filling my spiritual need(s).
I found another church to try and we attended last weekend. Oh my goodness God is so good. I asked him to TELL me if this was the right church. He did, not once but twice!!! The message was given to me in the speaking of tongues and then its translation. the Holy Spirit spoke out loud to let me know I was in the right place, and also to convict me in another part of my heart. God is so good. I am so excited to see what the future brings for us in this church and all of our walks with Christ become even stronger then ever!

The boys are in school. Josiah loves it. Maveric not so much. We did end up buying a van its older and the transmission slips but I only go to school and back with it so it will do for now. The school is on the same road we live on and only less then 5 minutes to get there.

We have a new sweet addition to the family now. His name is Rigby, he is an 8 wk Maltese. He is so sweet and follows us all around and just loves to eat our toes. Even Maveric has taken a keen interest in him, which for Maveric is good, he is not a pet person at all.

I had to go to the doctor as this new humid weather is causing my asthma to go into overdrive. I am now the proud owner of my own Neb Machine so don't have to go "IN" for a breathing treatment which makes my life easier. I am also the proud owner of being a pre diabetic, that is something that I can really do something about by losing some pounds, OK a lot of pounds which I think I may do a weight loss blog all about it.

God Bless

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The LONG cross country drive.

Dear Blog,
Oh I was so reminded just HOW MUCH I HATE cross country road trips! We did the right thing by having the 3 older kids fly in with my sister this coming Friday. Now on the other hand. Sailor starts to cry the minute we get close to the van, ok maybe not so much but when her tiny hiney hits the car seat she gets mad. I can't say that I blame her at all. I don't want to ride for awhile. The trip was nice. We were blessed to be in all Holiday inn express's so they were clean and safe.

We are getting our house delivered on tuesday. I am so excited to be able to call a house a home again. I did buy some really cute wall clings to decorate Savannah's room really cute. I think we are going to buy her a big girl bed very soon too. Now to see if she will give up her toddlar bed. These rooms are just so small there is really no room for anything in them so it will be an adjustment. We are putting more in storage this time as like I said this home is smaller then the last one. Hoping for clean lines and some open areas for the kids to play.

God Bless

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Great Reward-Joel Osteen

"So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!"
(Hebrews 10:35, NLT).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
What are you believing God for today? Promotion? Healing? Stronger relationships? Freedom from addiction? God has promised all these things to you in His Word. He wants you to live in blessing and wholeness all the days of your life. But in order to experience His promises, we have to do our part. We have to keep believing and trusting in Him. That's what today's verse is saying: if we will stay in faith, if we will keep believing, keep hoping, keep doing the right thing, God promises there will be a reward. I like how one translation puts it, "Don't get discouraged. Payday is coming!"

When you're tempted to get down, when things aren't going your way, just say to yourself, "This may be hard. It may be taking a long time, but I know God is a faithful God. I'm going to keep believing because my reward is coming."

Friend, as you trust Him and stand in faith, as you boldly declare His promises, you are positioning yourself to receive His blessing. No matter what your circumstances look like, remember payday is on its way—and you will experience the blessing and reward He's promised all the days of your life!

Father in heaven, thank You for Your good and precious promises. I choose to trust that my reward is coming. I choose to follow Your commands because they lead to blessing and life. Give me a heart that is fixed on You and fill me with Your peace. I patiently wait on You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


When you wake up. If the enemy hands you a plate full of Worry, Fear, & Negativity, RETURN it .You DON'T HAVE TOO EAT what you didn't ORDER.

Leaving on jet plane.

Dear Blog,
Leaving on a jet plane, well not really just in a 2005 van LOL. We are all set to go. The house has been packed up cleaned and givien back to the rental company. We have been cozyed up in a staybridge hotel (2 rooms, thank you for the upgrade). I am happy to leave, happy to get to a new place and leave all of CA behind. Not that it all has been bad.

I love the south, I LOVE the southern chruches and I am so looking forward to getting back into a GOOD church again. Maveric is going thur "The change" and I feel he needs MORE mentoring from a good church friend. The older kids are at my sisters and they are having a ball, I am getting some great pictures from they and they all look happy.

I get to go and see Wicked tonight with a good friend and her kids I am so excited to go to see a Real Play for the first time in a LONG time.

God Bless

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Get Your Fill - Joel Osteen

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled;"
(Matthew 5:6, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In the natural, what do you do when you're hungry and just not sure what will satisfy you? You may try to think of what to eat, but maybe you're not sure what will hit the spot. Spiritual hunger works the same way. You may feel a restlessness or unsettledness, but you can't quite figure out what will satisfy it. You may try to fill that need with other things—food, addictions, people—but only God can fill that hunger.

Today's verse tells us what will fill that hunger in our soul—righteousness. When you hunger and thirst for righteousness, which is God's way of doing things, you will be spiritually satisfied. But just like you have to take time to eat in the natural, you have to take time to "eat" or partake of God's righteousness.

Take time every day and devote it to the Lord with prayer, worship and the study of His Word. Stay in fellowship with other believers by attending church regularly. As you focus your hunger on God's righteousness, you will be filled and live satisfied in Him all the days of your life.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise to fill my hunger. I open my heart to You and ask that You draw me by Your Spirit. Teach me to walk in Your ways of righteousness that I may honor and serve You all the days of my life. I bless Your name today. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Gratitude Journal

I am Grateful my friend lent me her toaster so I didn't have to eat frozen waffles this morning. The kids like them frozen me not so much.

I am Grateful the packers got done packing the house yesterday.

I am Grateful the movers will pick up the house tomorrow.

I am Grateful for good friends and neighbors.

I am Grateful God is on my side!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Running on EMPTY but full with GOD

Dear Blog,
I am tired! Even tho the packers are doing all the work. I have issues with strangers touching my "Under Roo's" if you know what I mean, so I packed 8 boxes of the family clothes. I so did not know just how much clothes we all have. I know we have a lot there are 6 of us after all. But the sheer amount even after I donated 4 bags is still astounding. I do plan on donating more once we get to our new home. I am feeling the need to shed everything we don't really need, I feel we have just too much, I sit and think of those who do not even have 1/4 of what we have and I feel a sense of shame of all I truly take for granted which is A LOT!

I have been praying when I have been waking up early in the morning. But I am not "Truly" awake. I have been praying for more patience, for God to bind my tongue as it has been making me ashamed and it hurts my hearts to think what it is doing to God. I need to start relying and depending on the Heavenly Father so much more then me. I know this, this morning I feel as I am running on empty, but I am also feeling FULL with GOD this morning!God Bless

Gratitude Journal

I am Grateful the packers will finish up today, just feel "Odd" having someone packing up your "Lives".

I am Grateful I don't have to pack the house up, I had issues packing clothes we would need for a family of 6.

I am Grateful I have a loving hubby who knows how to put those little fires out.

I am Grateful I have been praying almost in my sleep, its showing me my heart needs to lean more on God then myself.

I am Grateful I got my "Play deck" cards (Timeshare bonus cards to buy things with) We are planning on getting the Bible Experience to listen to across country and I am so looking forward to it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tater and cabbage cass

I got this from my friend leighann from "Living with 3 Hobbits and a Giant, its on my blog roll, take the time to check her out her blog is pretty NEAT!

I love this stuff and I make it all the time!!

The much requested cabbage, potato bake adapted from Emeril Lagasse:
Preheat oven to 375 degree F
Wedge a head of cabbage, remove core
Quarter a potato per person in your family
Crumble 12-16 ounces of cooked bacon
Put these all nicely together in a baking dish
Pour a cup or cup and a half or can of chicken broth into the pan
Salt and pepper to taste
Cover with foil
Bake for one and one half hours; the more tender the cabbage is the better.

Gratitude Journal

I am Grateful My hubby gets to come and help me with the packers today.

I am Grateful I have wonderful kids whom I love very much.

I am Grateful hubby finally heard me and surprised me with WICKED tickets for my last night in town, I am so excited.

I am Grateful the time has finally come for the move so I can quit stressing so much.

I am so Grateful for seeing this scripture this morning. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I;"
(Psalm 61:2, NIV)

Higher-Joel Osteen

"From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I;"
(Psalm 61:2, NIV).)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Everyone goes through seasons of difficulty. We all face challenges and trials. Scripture tells us that in this world we will have trouble, but we can be encouraged today because He has overcome the world and disarmed it of the power to harm us! Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. His ways are higher than our ways, and He has promised to deliver us!

So many times, people feel stuck in their circumstances because they are looking at them from a natural perspective. This natural perspective is limited. It's small. It's only a fraction of what's really going on. But, if we'll rise up to a higher level, we will see things the way God sees them. We'll understand His purposes and see the way to victory!

Today, if you're feeling overwhelmed, Jesus is the rock who is high above your circumstances. When you call on Him, He will be with you. He will lead you and guide you into the higher places He has prepared for you!

Heavenly Father, today I release every care and concern to You. Have Your way in my circumstances. Have Your way in my thoughts. Help me, Jesus, to come up higher in every area of my life with You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Gratitude Journal

I am Grateful I got my drawer fixed today or I would not have remembered I had a pre inspection today at 3pm YIKES!

I am Grateful my home was pretty clean in the first place.

I am Grateful Hubby comes home tomorrow. I need some good sleep.

I am Grateful I went shopping yesterday so I don't have to fun out today.

I am Grateful God is a man of Mercy, Healing and Amazing Love not for just me but for everyone.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tomatoe Bites

I got these sinful snacks from my Bunco buddy Sherrie. I would make a double batch as they go so fast.


20 cherry tomatoes
1lb bacon cooked and crumbled
1/2 cup mayo
1/3 cup chopped green onion
3 tablespoons parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons chopped parsley


cut thin slice off top of tomatoe

scoop out the insides and drain upside-down on paper towel

combine all ingredients

spoon mixture into tomatoes

Chill and serve

Gratitude Journal

I am Grateful I met a new friend today, kinda sad I met her right before we move.

I am Grateful, I am not so tired today and was able to get a few things done before the move.

I am Grateful I got to "SNIFF" and try out some new Scentsy products, I got 2 warmers and a really beautiful Warmer.

I am Grateful my hubby will be coming home soon from Scotland.

I am Grateful that I have a God that loves me and cares for me, even when I ask for good dreams he makes it happen.

A blogging day of silence

Just click on the banner and take the time to check out this blog.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gratitude Journal

I am GREATFUL I was able to make arrangements to continue our Water delivery in FL and get a $100.00 transfer credit, how cool is that!

I am GREATFUL I had a spurt of energy last night and cleared out my closet.

I am GREATFUL I was able to schedule another Junk king appointment to come out and get the last of the junk before our final inspection.

I am GREATFUL for the cool air I have in the house.

I am so GREATFUL Maveric made top ramen for lunch for the kids who love top ramen.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gratitude Journal

I am Grateful My friend is taking Savannah swimming with her best buddy Jack.

I am Grateful I am a part of Titus 2, its a wonderful place to fellowship with other christian women.

I am Grateful my downstairs is good to go for the packers, I only really have 2 rooms to do and not much in them.

I am Grateful today is a new day, and I pray that God will guard my tongue.

I am Grateful my older kids can keep an eye on the little ones so I can nap if I get really tired.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Dear Blog,
It just dawned on me that the packers come next week. Next Tue to be exact!!! I have wasted so much time dinking around and now its time to really get down to business. I am helping out a friend this week who is moving also so I will have an extra child, but the boys are home and they can help me out. I have ALL weekend to get major stuff done too.

Wow I am really getting nervous now that its going to be next week. Then on Friday we are taking the older kids to my sisters so that they can spend some time with family and they will fly out with my sister in a few weeks. The baby and us will make the long trek cross country to our new home.

I guess I should be getting off of here and doing something to get ready....

God Bless

Gratitude Journal

I am Grateful I finally ordered a cursive and manuscript templates for the kids to practice their penmanship, it was shipped free but I opted for overnight which was just a little more then regular shipping so it gets here tomorrow.

I am Grateful Sailor's fever is gone and she is doing well again.

I am Grateful I had a friend call early this morning asking how Sailor was, Amy is a busy gal and she took the time to call and ask how baby girl was. I feel cared about.

I am Grateful I have the energy and motivation this morning to do some de cluttering since the move is rushing up on me.

I am Grateful that God is such a forgiving God and that he still loves me, even when I have been ugly. I am ever so Grateful my kids are just as forgiving as the Lord and they forgive me for being cranky and mean.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gratitude Journal

Dear Blog,
I saw this on a blog site I love Titus 2. Its a good christian site for women. Anyways. I saw a Gratitude Journal and thought to myself what a great idea. A neat way to list the things you are grateful for and a reminder to be thankful. Within the next few days I am going to make it a priority to blog my gratitude journal daily along with the normal things I blog about.

Mark is all safe and sound in Scotland, he was tired, got stuck in a middle seat for 10 hours and didn't sleep much, so he is catching up on some much needed rest tonight. Not that his meetings are all that brain stretching or anything. He does in fact met up with the Chief that we will be renting our next home from and picking up the house keys so we have a set.

I was so tired today, I think the muscle relaxers just caught up with me so I took a little nap today right after I got up. The NASCAR races bored me, since Mark was not here to banter with, that and he beat me in points 2 weeks in a roll. I think I need to put in more effort into my picks.

I am planning on taking the kids out for shakes or ice cream tomorrow. They have been good. I am getting them out on their bikes tomorrow to just get them out. Some sun wont hurt them LOL.

God Bless

Make Time-Joel Osteen

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us"
(2 Corinthians 5:20, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
It's interesting that many of the miracles Jesus performed weren't planned or scheduled. Oftentimes, they happened when He was interrupted.

Walking down the street, a blind man hollered out, "Jesus! Have mercy! Come over and heal me!" Jesus didn't say, "Don't you know I'm the Son of God? I'm important. I've got a lot to do." No, Jesus stopped what He was doing, went out of His way, and healed the man. Jesus was willing to be inconvenienced to help other people in need.

We have to remember that as believers, we are the hands and feet of Jesus in the earth. We are His ambassadors. We may have a lot on our "to do" lists, but we have to be willing to make time for the people God has placed in our lives. That means not only your friends and family, but people you encounter on a daily basis. Today, keep your heart and mind open because God wants to do something in and through you when you choose to make time for Him.

Heavenly Father, today I commit myself wholeheartedly to Your service. Thank You for choosing me and equipping me to be a blessing to the people around me. Use me for Your glory as I set my love and attention on You today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Just like new.

Dear Blog,
We got the carpets cleaned and they look brand new. I am not sure who's bright idea it was to put beige carpets in military housing. But for have 4 kids my carpets looked ok, just needed a cleaning now they look brand new!! We did get Big Red cleaned too. They tried to get us to get all the furniture cleaned but all of its brand new cept for BG.
Went out for dinner and Sailor ate the whole bowl of Mac and Cheesy's. The baby sure can eat. I don't remeber any of the other kids eating this much. Stinker still only weighs 18lb even When she starts walking she is gonna be a runner I can just tell. She already s a speed racer crawling.

God Bless

It's been a long week.

Dear Blog,
Its been a long week. Sailor has continued with her fever all week. The doctor has no clue whats going on with her. She has been twice to the doctor this week. We have to do a urine test. If she continues to have a fever the doctor will do some blood work on her. Sailor is not too cranky but she is more clingly then she normaly is and she's not playing as much. She does have a normal appitite which is good. If she stops eating I will get scared as she LOVES to eat.

Mark is going to Scotland tomorrow he say's he is not looking forward to it. I am calling him on it as he loves to go there and enjoy the food. Thats all he talks about when he calls me. I am trying to only talk to him maybe once or twice this time as last time we racked up a $200.00 bill.

I have so much to do while he is gone this time. Its the only time I can toss out everything I want to and not have him pick it out of the trash and him not ask are you throwing this away??? The move is now RUSHING up on me and its starting to get a bit scarey. The ride alone is freaking me out, I do not like long drives. I am going to ask my doctor for something to help with those long days to make them easier.

Savannah is so funny she is always talking about Florida now. She told daddy he didnt have to work anymore because he made enough money already to go to FL..sweet baby loves her daddy.

God Bless

His Plans are Greater-Joel Osteen

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts"
(Isaiah 55:9, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Have you been praying and standing on God's Word for something and you haven't seen the results yet?

The scripture says in John 11 verse 6, "When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days." One translation says, "He sat down." Don't you know that was the opposite response that Lazarus' family was looking for? "Jesus, don't sit down when we need You the most." In other words, "God, don't sit down when my finances are this low." "Don't sit down when my problems are this big." But in the end, God not only healed Lazarus, He raised him from the dead!

Your mind may be telling you it's over, it's too late, it's never going to happen. No, you've got to know there is a reason for the delay. God is planning something greater. You're thinking of a healing. He is thinking of a resurrection. You may be thinking how can I just survive, but God is thinking how you can thrive. Remember, His ways are higher than your ways, and you can trust that He is going to amaze you with His goodness in every area of your life!

Father God, today I choose to trust in You. I trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I release all of my cares and concerns to You knowing that You have a greater plan in store for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cracking the WHIP!

Dear Blog,
I think my kids may not like me very much. I know for a fact they don't care for me much right now. I am cracking the whip! Things need to be done here at the house to get ready for the move. Things I can't do right now since I hurt my back. I want to be ready this time, I don't want to be cought like I usually am with stuff not somewhat organized.

Sailor is sick, took her to the doctor since she has a pretty high fever 101.3. She dosent have an ear infection, which I was hoping it was since we could just give her some med's and be done with it. If she still has a fever tomorrow I will take her back to see what really going on. She is not herself, she is being more lovey, not to say she is not lovey but usually she is so busy she just gives us drive by's for a hug or a snuggle and then will be off again to play.

The kids are in VBS and LOVING it. Savannah woke up saying she wanted to go back to bible school today, that makes my heart smile!! We had such a hard time getting her stay in sunday school with out meltdowns. HA we have made PROGRESS!!!
God Bbless

Joel Osteen-Divine Interruptions

Divine Interruptions

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight"
(Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We all have times when our plans don't work out. We get delayed, interrupted, and inconvenienced. It's easy to get frustrated and fight against everything that doesn't go our way. But I've learned that every interruption is not bad. Every closed door doesn't mean you're doing something wrong. Every delay doesn't mean you're not where you're supposed to be. There is something I call a divine interruption where God, on purpose, will delay us to protect us from an accident. On purpose, He will close a door because it's not His best. Sometimes, God will allow us to be inconvenienced so we can help someone else in need. We have to be willing to press through difficulty so we can be at the right place at the right time.

The next time you're interrupted, delayed, or inconvenienced, don't start thinking, "This is a pain. This is getting me off schedule." No, get a new perspective. Look for what God wants to do because it could be divine interruption or divine protection. Trust Him today because He is directing your steps.

Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing me. I surrender every area of my mind, will, and emotions to You. Use me for Your glory today and teach me to discern Your ways. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Father's Day card for God

Dear Blog,

I found this idea on another blog. Smithellaneous: A Cake For God. (I wish I could figure out how to link it. But is the name of the blog. What a super wonderful idea. I think I may take this idea and tell the family about it and turn it into a tradition that the kids can pass on too.

How often do we forget that God is our Father, Daddy, Papa. I am ashamed that I do forget that he is FIRST, but I am working on that, and wow there is some major reconstruction going on in my life. Thank you Jesus for being my daddy, my comforter, my healer, my protector. You are worthy of ALL MY PRAISE!

God Bless

Joel Osteen-Store it Up

"Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments"
(Deuteronomy 7:9, NKJ)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Jesus went before us and paved the way for victory. Because He lives, we can live in victory in this life and in eternity. But not only can we live in victory, we can help others live in victory, too. We can help the people around us, and we can help the people who are coming after us. We can store up mercy, peace and blessings for future generations.

The life we live should make it easier for the people after us. By living a life of excellence, we are leaving a mark for future generations. And really, that’s what matters most in eternity. It’s good to leave an inheritance, but the most valuable thing you can leave on this earth is a legacy of faith.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Such a LONG day.

Dear Blog.
I am feeling better, I am breathing better. My trip to the ER on monday for my back was a good thing. I had coughed so hard and so much I strained my back. I think I really need to lose this weight once and for all to get back in shape and maybe I wont be in this dumb boat again. It hurt so bad I had to call Mark at work at 9am to come and take me to the ER.

I am tired, tired of getting ready for this move, tired of not being able to do much this week to get ready for the move. Tired of hearing the kids arguee since I can't do much with them right now. Lord I am tired and need some good sleep and rest and rejuvanation for my soul.

I can't wait to get to the new home and be able to find a church that will meet all of our wants and needs. We are seeing things in the boys we are not liking and are so glad school is out and Maveric wont be friends with the kids who are leading him in the wrong way. Yes we do need to change some or maybe a lot of our lazy parenting stlyes. That is going to take some time and a lot of effort on our parts to.
I had called Mark on tue and told him I was not going to get dressed since my back was pretty bad. Savannah went upstairs and got me some clothes to wear and told me "I will help you mommy" bless her heart I almost cried. She is such a loving child when she wants to be. Thank you Jesus for giving her to me to raise. I pray I can make you proud.

God Bless

Friday, June 11, 2010

School's out for summer

Dear Blog,
I am excited and yet sad for school being out. I get to sleep in, which by the way is 7am. The down side I have to figure out what to do to keep the kids happy and busy. Its going to be hard since we are so deep in the mode of getting ready to transfer. I already de Junked the garage and my goodnss I am so HAPPY so see 3/4 of my garge gone. Seems to me we will only have to rent a tiny storage unit instead of a big one if we can't find storage for it at the new house.

About the mumbing and grumbling challange well I have failed that more then once, but since God is so forgiving I am trying again, this sinful habbit is so hard to break but I will do it with the Grace of God I will overcome!

God Bless

Pray for one another-Joel Osteen

Pray for One Another

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed"
(James 5:16, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
All throughout Scripture, we see that God's system operates on the principle of sowing and reaping. If you sow blessing and mercy into the lives of others, that's what you'll reap in your life in return. The same thing happens when you pray for one another. There's a spiritual dynamic at play when you get your mind off yourself and onto others. You're sowing a seed so that God can do something in your own life.

Is there someone in your life you can pray for? Maybe it's a friend or a family member in need. They don't have to be present, you can pray for them as you go about your day or even driving in your car on the way to work. Remember, when you pray for others, God will make sure someone is praying for you. It's that connection of faith that opens the door for God to move mightily on your behalf.

Heavenly Father, thank You for another day to be used by You. I choose to pray for the people in my life as You have commanded. Direct my thoughts and prayers today so that I can be a blessing to others and honor You in everything I do. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

The Moment we PRAY-Joel Osteen

The Moment We Pray

"My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help"
(Psalm 56:9, NLT)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Are you believing for God to do something in your life today? I want to encourage you because God is already working behind the scenes on your behalf! Just because you don't see anything happening, doesn't mean that God isn't working. The moment we pray, God sets the miracle into motion. The thing we have to remember is that God doesn't say, "I'll deliver you in one hour, or next week, or Tuesday at 5:00 p.m." No, He doesn't put a time frame on it. That's where trust comes in. We have to know that our enemies retreat as soon as we call on Him for help. We have to choose to go back to the place of peace knowing that He is working things out.

Today, shake off the temptation to get discouraged during the waiting process. Shake off offense, shake off discouragement. Remember, all it takes is one touch of God's favor to take you years ahead. Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping because the answer is on its way the moment we pray!

Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing me the moment I pray. Today I choose to trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf no matter what I see in the natural. I will praise You today and
always because You are faithful. I love You and bless You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

30 Days of No Mumbling and Grumbling

Dear Blog,
I heard this on KLOVE yesterday and thought thats cool. I heard it again today and it convicted my heart. I have been feeling and being mean, nasty to everyone in the family. I feel neglected by my husband and then it dawned on me today. Maybe one of the reasons he dosent (IMO) want to be close is my nasty attitude. My kids, my poor little one's are tired of Mom being grumpy all the time.
So I pledge as of NOW I wont complain or grumble and lets see if I can do this for 30 days. I am sure it will make a huge difference in all of our lives for sure.
Father God as I go into this journey of no mumblings and grumblings I ask that you be right be my side. I ask that you hold my tounge so that I may not sin against you and that I may not curse or say things to my children that would make you cringe and be sad. Thank you Jesus for all you have done and all you will continue to do for me.
God Bless


Dear Blog,
I feel like we are going thru a phase in our marriage were I think things are not so great. No we are not fussing, being ugly or any of those kinds of things. Its all me. I feel like we have a sort of disconnect going on. I have discussed this with Hub's its a very personnal issue so I wont say it here. But for me, I am feeling neglected, pushed away, and hurt. My self image has taken a beating.
I am just guessing I need to pray over this issue and pray that I can take the answer and be ok with it, I have no choice but to be. Do I like it NO, but I need to learn to deal with it, learn to live with that answer. Sometimes things just suck.
God Bless

Monday, May 31, 2010

Greater Love_Joel Osteen

Greater Love

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends"
(John 15:13, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Today is Memorial Day in America. It's a time to honor all those who have given their lives in service for our country. As we remember what these brave men and women did, let's honor the gift they have given us by choosing to show greater love to others.

I'm so thankful that Jesus loved us enough to lay down His life so that we could spend eternity with Him. He was the ultimate expression of love. But did you know that there are ways you can lay down your life to express your love to others? When you let go of having your own way, or when you put the needs and desires of others above your own desires, that's a form of laying down your life. Today, choose to follow Christ's example by putting others first because love is all that matters in eternity.

Father God, thank You for another day to praise You. Thank You for being the ultimate example of love. Help me follow Your example and lay down my life for others. Let everything I do bring honor to You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Dear Blog,
Hubby is coming home FINALLY! Yes I know he has to be away according to the needs of the Navy. Yes I know many are gone so much longer. So really this 2 weeks was a drop in the hat compared to what other families go thru. We have been thru many long deployments so its not a new thing.

With a teething baby who LOVES to scream all the time, a 3 year old who has told me Georgia is closed so daddy has to come home now. We all need daddy to come home. I really miss him.

Getting ready for this move is taking its toll. I promised myself that when we move we are NOT taking JUNK nope not this time. I have been cleaning out closets and donating clothes and shoes. I have been going thru drawers and TOSSING out TONS of just junk. I really wonder if I have some hording tendencies. The garage is going to be so much better and such a burden off of my mind. I am not sure what it will be like to really be able to use a garage. I did tell Mark we will still have to rent a small storage unit. I dont want NO BOXES in the garage unless they are up in the rafters.

God Bless

Thursday, May 27, 2010


"Courage does not always roar.
Sometimes courage is a quiet voice
at the end of the day,
saying: I will try again tomorrow."
Dear Blog,
Lord, rescue me from me! Don't let me stand in the way of your Plan today!
I really like this and I need to remeber to pray it frequently. I really do have the best of intentions when I start out my day. Somewhere I lose my grip and falter. I am so glad my God is a God of Mercy and Grace.

God Bless

Stolen Soup

Shrimp and Corn Bisque


1 lb raw, peeled shrimp *buy ez peel from HEB in blue bag (frozen) *or better yet, buy them peeled already.

1 Tbsp. butter

1 Bunch of green onions chopped

2 cloves of garlic chopped, or teaspoon of minced garlic

2 cans cream of potato soup

1 pint of half and half

8 oz cream cheese

Can of whole corn drained

Seasoning to taste (I don’t add a bunch of table salt b/c the shrimp and cream of potato soup are already salty.) – I use black pepper and Tony Chachere’s (*which is seasoned salt)

Directions: In a blender or food processor, blend the 2 cans of cream of potato soup with 1 pint of half and half set aside. Then in a large pot, sauté green onions and garlic for about a minute in butter (you don’t want the green onions to change color or wilt too much. Add shrimp. Sauté until the shrimp are almost cooked. Add soup and half and half blend to the pot. Cut up cream cheese into small pieces and add it to the soup. When it is melted, add corn and cook until corn is warmed thru. If it is too thick, add milk to thin. Serve with pistolettes (crunchy bread) & Enjoy!

I swiped this from Bruises and bow's mostly because it looks so good and I don't want to lose it. Peeking are her blog it looks pretty good and a nice place to stop awhile and drink a cup of tea.

Move past your mountain-Joel Osteen

Move Past Your Mountain

"…you have stayed long enough at this mountain"
(Duet 1:6, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Let me ask you, do you go out each day knowing that favor is already in your future? Or have you gotten stuck in a rut staring at a mountain of disappointment, setbacks or difficulty?

That's what happened to the people of Israel. They were headed toward their promised land. They had big goals and big dreams, but along the way they hit some setbacks and had some disappointments. They got so discouraged that they gave up on their dreams and just settled where they were. One day God said to them, "You have dwelt long enough on this mountain." He was saying, "It's time to move past this and embrace the blessing in your future."

I believe God is saying that to each one of us today. You've been where you are long enough. God is saying, "This is a new day. Get your fire back. Where you are is not where you're supposed to stay." If you'll be determined to move past your mountain, He will lead you and empower you to live in favor and blessing in every area of your life!

Heavenly Father, I give to You every area of my heart. I give You my questions, my disappointments, my doubts and fears. I choose to trade my sorrow for Your joy. I choose to press past my mountains so I can embrace the promises You have in store for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

KLOVE Daily Scripture

We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly.

~ 1 Thessalonians 1:2, NLT

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How he will fill you- Joel Osteen

He Will Fill You

"'…My people will be filled with My bounty,' declares the LORD"
(Jeremiah 31:14, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
When I think of being filled, I think of being satisfied. I think of having more than enough to meet my needs so that I can be a blessing to others. But it all starts with our level of expectancy. My question for you today is what are you believing for? What are you expecting? You might say, "Well, Joel. I don't think I'll ever meet my sales goals this year with the economy like it is." Or, "I don't think I'll ever get promoted. I'm not that qualified." "I don't think I'll ever get well." The problem is you're not looking for those good breaks. You're not expecting increase. You're not positioning yourself for God to fill you, and unfortunately, you won't be disappointed. Jesus said in the scriptures, "According to your faith it will be done unto you." He might as well have said, "If you've got a cup, I'll fill you with a cup level of blessing. If you've got a bucket, I'll fill you with a bucket level of blessing." But if you'll take the limits off of God and believe for supernatural opportunities, if you'll go out each day expecting far and beyond favor, you won't be disappointed. He will fill you and satisfy you with His goodness and show His favor in ways beyond your wildest dreams!

Father God, thank You for blessing me so that I can be a blessing to others. Today, I choose to open my heart and mind to You and expect that You will fill me with Your bounty. I choose to take the limits off my thinking so that You can have Your way in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
4-Part CD/DVD Resource

Plus: Miracles Happen

KLOVE Scripture

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

~ 1 Timothy 2:1, NLT

More than enough-Joel Osteen

More than Enough

"In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty"
(Psalm 37:19, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We serve the God of more than enough! It doesn't matter what's happening around you, it doesn't matter what's happening in the economy, it doesn't matter what's happening in the stock market, God is able to provide for you. Notice today's verse doesn't just say He'll help you barely get by; no, it says that in days of famine His people will enjoy plenty.

The key is we have to get our minds off of this natural, earthly realm and start setting our minds on things above. Remember, there is no recession in heaven, but if you aren't investing in God's economy, you won't see the reward He has for you. Take a step of faith today and sow a seed. Ask God how you can be a blessing to others. Remember, you are a steward over His resources. When you choose to be obedient to Him, you will eat the good of the land. And when you tap into God's economy by obeying His Word, you will have His results—more than enough!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the resources You have given to me. Thank You for trusting me to be Your representative in the earth and for giving me more than enough. Show me how to handle the blessings You've given me so that I can please You in everything I do. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chrissie's Celebration of life

Dear Blog,
I am so glad for tecolongy. I was able to "attend" Chrissie's celebration of life which was held in TX, right here at home online. It was very nice. I cried, I smiled, I laughed, and I cried some more. It so made perfect sense when Lorraine said chrissie lived all her day's that God had planned for her. No matter where she would have been, Chrissie would have died on May 19th, because that WAS God's plan for her.
In the short time I have know Chrissie and her journey I have become closer to God, my prayer life has gotten so much stronger. I plan to keep it that way. I want for my family what Lorraine has "In" her family.
God Bless

Chrissie's Obituary

Chrissie's Obituary

Christyn Joy Patterson, our warrior princess and precious angel, began her eternal dance with Jesus during the early morning hours on Wednesday, May 19, 2010. Our beloved daughter was known around the world as Chrissie, the Serbian Sensation, who touched more lives in 4 short years than most of us ever will in our lifetimes.

Chrissie was born in Serbia October 8, 2005 under the name Barbara Duga, and she was adopted into her forever family as Chrissie Patterson on October 14, 2009. Shortly after Chrissie was born in Serbia, her birth family abandoned her at a Belgrade Hospital when they discovered she had several severe congenital heart defects that could not be repaired in Serbia. Chrissie spent the first ten months of her life in a hospital in Belgrade, Serbia, fighting for her life, as she was determined to one day meet her forever mommy and daddy. Chrissie was discharged from the Belgrade Hospital as an 11-month-old orphan and sent to live in an orphanage called Kolevka (which means The Cradle) in Subotica, Serbia, where Chrissie spent the next three years of her life waiting for her forever family to rescue her. In June, 2009, God announced His calling upon The Patterson Family of Wimberley, Texas, to go rescue His beloved miracle child, Chrissie. Chrissie was united with her forever family in October, 2009, when her family adopted her in Serbia and brought her to Texas where she joyfully lived for the next six months of her life, surrounded by her forever family who cherished her with all of their hearts.

Chrissie was an absolute joy to all who ever met her. She always had a smile on her face and simply loved life. Chrissie taught the world what it means to truly live! Chrissie underwent massive open-heart surgery at Methodist Children’s Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, April 19, 2010. Her talented, courageous, and committed cardiac and medical team, led by Dr. Mary Porisch and Dr. Kupferschmid, never gave up on Chrissie. Chrissie spent 31 days in the PICU of MCH, where she fought boldly and courageously for her life. God worked many mighty miracles in one month during Chrissie’s stay at the hospital, and her strong will and amazing attitude will always be remembered.

Chrissie is survived by her forever family who loved and cherished her with all their hearts: Daddy/TaTa Matt Patterson and Mommy Lorraine Patterson, Big Brothers Parker and Sawyer Patterson, Little Brother Kiefer Patterson, Big Sisters Meribeth and Mattie Patterson, as well as two more special big sisters Emily and Samantha Hall and their mom, Stephanie Hall. Grandparents: Nana Betty Immel and PawPaw Larry Immel, Grammie Kathie Patterson and Grandaddy Larry Patterson, and a very special Aunt “Shoosha”, Trisha Immel Huddleston. Chrissie is also survived by many other aunts and uncles, cousins, and friends around the world.

A royal celebration of Princess Chrissie’s life will be held Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 2:30PM at Hays Hills Baptist Church in Buda, Texas. The funeral will be available for viewing live online via the family blog at . The family will receive guests during visitation at Hays Hills Baptist Church in Buda May 22, 2010, from 3-5PM. Chrissie’s family will host a private graveside burial Monday, May 24, 2010. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to orphan advocacy at or “Abby’s Wish” at

“I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you.” John 14:18

Arrangements under the care and guidance of Pennington Funeral Home, 323 N. Comanche, San Marcos, TX 78666, 512-353-4311. Obituary and guestbook online @

-------end of obituary

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Did he really say that?

Dear Blog,
Yeah the old saying "out of the mouths of babes" I think sucks right now. Josiah was messing with the recumbent bike and Savvy was trying to. He made the comment don't do that! Mom has to lose about 40 pounds!! Gezz I really think I need to get a handle on this.
God Bless

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where did my day go?

Dear Blog,

Where did my day go? It went by so fast and I did not get anything done at all. I did make an appointment for Sailor today (its for tomorrow). She has had a cough since she had 2 seperate choking incidents last week where I had to turn her upside down and pound on her. Those moments are so scary when you look into her tiny face and YOU KNOW she is choking... I am wondering if she may have inhaled something, who knows maybe its just a normal littl cough. Its better to err on the side of caution, besides we have good insurance.

I feel so bad for hub's he is working 18 hour days, poor baby working hard, I know he's not eating right and he has no days off either. Good ole military gotta love it and sometimes not.

Have you ever looked at your kids and just wonder when did they grow taller, when did they start looking more grown up. I often wonder what is running thru their minds, they are so smart these days.
God Bless

The Tongue of the Wise-Joel Osteen

The Tongue of the Wise

"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing"
(Proverbs 12:18; NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
It's easy to see how words can be used as a weapon. We've all either been "cut" by the words of others, or we've used words to put someone "in their place." The truth of the matter is when we use words recklessly or in a way that cuts others, we are not being wise. The scripture tells us that the tongue of the wise brings life and healing to others.

Today, look for ways to be wise. Find something nice to say about someone or share an encouraging word. You never know how you can bring healing to a person's heart by sharing a kind, gracious word. And remember, words are like seeds. When you plant words of life and blessing into others, you're sure to reap a harvest of blessing in your own life in return.

Heavenly Father, today I choose to be wise. I submit my tongue to You and choose to use it for good and not for evil. Show me ways to be a blessing to others. Help me find creative ways to encourage the people You have placed in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My heart is broken today.

Dear Blog,
Today my heart was broken when I woke up, turned on the computer to check on Chrissie from All Are Precious In His Sight. She passed away this morning after a LONG valient fight after having major heart surgery. I know for a fact Chrissie has received her total healing in Christ, I know, she has looked into the eyes of Jesus as she sat on his lap.

When I first started to follow her journey, I learned she was adopted from Siberia. God MOVED mountains, paperwork, and people and her adoptions was expidited at an amazing speed. Thru Chrissie and her mommy's blog my walk with Christ has become strong. My prayer life has exploded. I think part of God's plan was for this dear sweet child was to bring more into his flock, and from what I have read I KNOW she has.

So this is not only a time for mourning but for a time for joy in the knowledge that Chrissie is not in pain, she dancing and playing, laughing and not short of breath, she can play all she wants now!!!! Praise God!
God Bless

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Frittered the day away.

Dear Blog,
Today I had the best intentions of getting things done. I only got the top of the fridge cleared. LOL the kids asked me where everything went, gosh its not like I have a ton of things up there.

I did my mini ride and did just over 2 miles. I did break down and go and buy some of my peppermints. I feel better haveing a mint or 2 after meals.

I was playing with the baby tonight, she made my heart melt when she was belly laughing. That is such music to my ears. I am losing hearing bit by bit but I havent lost that so far and for that I am so very thankful for that.

I am really not trying to wait till the last minute for downsizing for the move like I have one for every other move. Mark has finally agreed to lose all the ugly chairs and junk in the garage. Thank you Jesus I will finally have a real garage for the first time in many years. Even when we had a storage unit we still had a massive amount of boxes in the garage. Well this will not happen in the new home.

God Bless

Today's Word with Joel Osteen

The Position of Power

"Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offense"
(Proverbs 19:11, AMP)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Every day, we have opportunities to get upset, be frustrated, or get offended. Maybe you had plans that didn't work out, or someone was rude to you at the office. Maybe you were doing something that should have taken one hour, and it ended up taking three. Life is full of inconveniences; but even though we can't always control our circumstances, we can control our reactions to those circumstances. I heard somebody say, "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond."

We should always go out each day with a positive attitude, full of hope and expecting God's favor. But at the same time, we should recognize that most days are not going to go exactly as we planned. Remember, we were created to live in peace. Peace is our position of power. If you get stressed because you got off schedule, or got upset because your child wouldn't eat his breakfast, or frustrated because somebody offended you, what you're doing is giving away your power. Instead, make the decision to release those offenses and disappointments so you live in peace and move forward in the power and victory the Lord has for you!

Father in heaven, today I release every care, concern, offense and disappointment to You. I choose to keep the peace that You have given me knowing that with You my best days are ahead! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

KLOVE Scripture 5/18/2020

A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit.~ Proverbs 15:13, NLT

Monday, May 17, 2010

One Hundred Push ups challange

Dear Blog,
I have lost my mind again. I found this idea from a blog I like to frequent We are the Culbertsons. I have no idea how to link it here or I would. I am going to take the One hundred push up challange, its a 45 day deal where you work your way up to 100 push hundred push ups
For me this is a GRAND idea, as I can no longer do a REAL push up. I am resigned to doing GIRL push ups. Well its in my mind set now. I am working out and watching everything I eat. I am guessing after I get this done, I am work on the 100 sit up challange and the squat challange. Who know's maybe there is a skinny body in here some where.
God Bless

Its NOT that EASY

Dear Blog,
I started the diet today. I so ate on the plan. I did what I was to do. How in the world did I gain a stinkin pound??? Well I know I put spices on my chicken and turkey when I roasted them, a little bit. I am thinking its the sodium. I always have a issue with "Salt". That and my body is so not used to drinking the massive amounts of fluids I have been (prepping for FL) I am on a water pill for my BP so maybe I dont need to over load on the H20.
I rode 2 miles this morning and 2 tonight on the bike. I think I may go for 2 1/2 tomorrow twice also and see what happens besides my legs feeling heavy and aching a bit.
I have done real well with not bringing soda in the house for the last week. I ate my last beloved peppermint yesterday I am not drinking I dont smoke so whats left?? I would say sleep but Mark is gone for a few weeks so thats out...

God Bless

Since I like Joel Osteen I am sharing his post.

Listen to Your Heart

"The heart of the wise teaches his mouth, and adds learning to his lips"
(Proverbs 16:23, NKJV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Choosing your words is very important. The scripture tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. You can bless your future with your words, or you can curse it. God Himself spoke the worlds into existence by the creative power of words.

There are many influences over our words. In the heat of the moment, we can let our emotions tell us what to say. We can listen to what others say and allow them to influence our words. We can even be influenced by what we watch on TV, the internet, or read in the news. But notice what today's verse tells us that a wise person does—a wise person listens to their heart and lets their heart teach them what to say. As a believer, when you listen to your heart, you are tuning in to what the Spirit of God is saying to you. You are coming into agreement with Him.

Today, listen to your heart. Take time to be still and quiet before the Lord. Allow Him to teach you what to say. As you submit your words and ways to Him, He will direct your path.
Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again - my Savior and my God!~ Psalms 42:11, NLT (KLOVE)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's been so LONG

Dear Blog,
Oh how I have neglected you! I am so sorry but I am ready to be friends again. Now is the time. The time to really go on a diet and lose some weight. I have NEVER been this heavy even being PG with the last 4 children. I am starting (again) the 6 weeks to a better body diet. I just made all my chicken/turkey I need for my protiens bagged them with my carb (a small tater). Then I will just add my veggie or salad to the approiate meals and get this party started.
Starting weight 212. mesurements I wont even go there, its hard enough to see my weight in type. The "D" starts offfically tomorrow, as for tonight I am making fried taco's.

We will be leaving in 2 months or FL. We have a nice house we will be renting, the schools are close by. My sister will fly the 3 older kids at the end of July and we will just have the baby across country, then she is staying for a bit to help me get settled in. I am so ready for the move for the change, for a real home church as we haven't found a church we liked since our pastor left the church.
God Bless